15 May 2021

Board .small story 6

 When I was returning from my job on foot, a stranger whispered in my ear " I know where you were last night " I was surprised and asked " who are you? What did you see in last night " that man answered " I shifted to the  house opposite to yours last week, I heard that you as nice gentleman from area people, but yesterday you stood in front of liquor shop "

I recalled yesterday's incident ,after I received a call from my wife I went to medical Shop to buy an pulse oximeter ,after my purchase I observed that there was big board " M R P liquor shop " in big board 

Balaji medical center in small board ,in a same building.

"please don't disclose this matter to anyone, do you take drinks?" I asked 

That person nod his head 

" OK tomorrow let's go to same shop take drinks " I gave an offer

That man was so happy 

Next day evening that man was came with me to shop I ordered "two cough syrup please " that man ,looked at my face once and at BOARD once .....




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