10 May 2021

Sorry dad... Small story story 5


Sorry dad .....

Small story

"How cute is my grand daughter "

50 year old Sadhana uttered with joy .

" mother at least after 4 years you came ,now I am so happy, if dad come I feel more happy " satwik said with gleaming eyes .

started to cry and said in pain " your father is no more my son , 3 months back he died due to covid ,before that I convince him to call you but ,he was not interested to meet you"

 recalled what happened four years back.

"She not belong to our caste I will Not agree for this marriage" father said in anger 

" I decided to marry her , I saw her good qualities , we are human beings why you stick to such caste system " satwik answered

Mother tried to pacify both ,but no use,

Both father and son argued like eminent lawyers.

Finally father gave two options to son 

" if you leave that girl and marry a girl whom I suggest you will continue as member of my family, if you stick to marry that other caste girl ,you may go out of my home,"

satwik took his luggage and step out his own home...

Remembering all his eyes burst in to tears. Unknowingly he uttered 

" sorry dad ,sorry mum ......"




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